Bibles are missing. Students are asking!

Over the past few months, we have heard from multiple public school librarians across the country stating how the students are asking for Bibles! The librarians are grateful for our organization as we provide the Bibles to put on their library shelves for their students!   

One librarian from Missouri expressed to us: “Thank you so much for your ministry, this is amazing! I have had several students ask if I had Bibles and I am so thankful that I am now able to provide this wonderful resource for them.”

Another librarian from California shared: “My students want books about Jesus!”  

Additionally, a Florida librarian conveyed: “Thank you so very much for this much needed option for our children!!!!”

It is very exciting and encouraging to hear that students are asking for the Bible and want books about Jesus!  Will you help us answer their call? 

We need your help financially to provide these Bibles for the public schools as librarians are even requesting more due to such a high demand!  What a wonderful need and opportunity! In addition, there are still so many other public schools in the United States to donate the Bibles to! Thank you for your prayers for our organization of Bibles in Schools, for God’s provision, and for God to continue to move in the hearts of students and librarians!

For more information about Bibles in Schools and to donate, please visit our website! You may also contact us via email:  


Families are reading the Bible together!


Students are Eager to Check Out the Action Bibles!